🟢How to buy BabySPIKE?

$BabySPIKE contract-address (BSC): 0xF3a53e18Fb865Be228f2678170Fde674aF8ED818

1 - Create your Wallet:

  • You can create your wallet through Trust Wallet or Metamask (there are others, but these will be useful for your days);

  • In both you must save your recovery phrase; write it down on a paper or notepad, you will need it whenever you want to move your wallet to other devices.

Attention: you must use the BSC network (BEP-20). Using the wrong network can lead to loss of funds. For Metamask, you must select the network manually (recommended looking for tutorials on Youtube if you have no experience).

2 - Send BNB to your wallet address:

  • Send BNB in the desired amount to this wallet (via the BEP-20 network). For this you will need to have an account on a Centralized Exchange (Binance, Gate.io, KuCoin...) or some external P2P.

  • After sending BNB to your wallet (you should see BNB Smart Chain) remember to always keep an amount to pay the network fees on each operation. Example: If you want to buy $100 of BNB in $NUTZ, you must have a little more than that to cover the network fee (low). To sell, you also need to have some BNB for fees.

Last updated